Saturday, May 29, 2010

On our first anniversary of Thursday meditation satsanghas:

The lotus is an Asian water lily. For millennia it has
been considered sacred due to it’s amazing ability
to grow and prosper from the bottom of the muddiest
ponds and lakes to flower above the surface.
Thus providing the paradigm through nature, to reach
to the heavens and aspire to greater things.

There are many reasons to mediate with a group. Here are just some:

- A meditation group is a great way to meet new people but it is also a great way to learn new meditation techniques.

- When meditating in a group you are all taking the meditation voyage together as well as on your own.

- For those new to meditation, a meditation group is a great way to start.

- If you have been meditating for some time, you appreciate group energy and the opportunity to share in a guided meditation.

- A meditation group offers emotional and psychological insights, a depth of awareness, inner peace and a profound and liberating sense of the Here and Now.

- A meditation group show us how to use the life-enhancing power of meditation to recapture the joy, peace, and meaning that is an inherent part of our soul's natural being.

Dear meditation partners, I believe that our first year of a group meditation has fulfilled all of the above intentions and more!
For me, personally, it has been an amazing time of experience, growth and insight.
Thank you, all!

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